Download Help
Having Trouble Downloading?
The first place to check is in your downloads folder on your device. You can also try searching for "STEAM Powered Family" on your device to try and find where your file downloaded.
We recommend that you download using a desktop computer, not mobile, if you are having issues.
If you are getting errors while trying to download your purchase, it is likely a temporary issue related to an unreliable network connection that interrupts your download. If you see an error message about the network connection, you should refresh your browser and try again in a few minutes. Or move onto a better connection before attempting to download again.
If you’re trying to download on a school computer or business network computer, it’s worth remembering that some schools and networks restrict downloading. If that's the case, you'll need to download your file at home instead and save it onto a USB drive or email it to yourself.
If you are still having difficulty here is some specific help for common browsers:
Internet Explorer
You can also try right-clicking on the download link and saving the target (PC) or link (Mac) to your desktop.